July 17, 2015


As far as we're concerned, one Christmas a Year is not enough. For some, the stress of one Christmas every 365 days is enough, but LUSH think otherwise. It seems that LUSH HQ has heard us loud and clear with their new limited edition Christmas in July range which will let you relive festive seasons past.

You know how after Christmas, we all have our fingers crossed in vain that LUSH will make some of their limited festive products part of their permanent range? Well for 2 weeks only, our wish has been granted. From July 6th-22nd, you can pick up 12 products from LUSH's previous Christmas collections.

Over the next 3 days, we'll be reminiscing of Christmases past with some of the products from the limited range. 

First off  is the Luxury Lush Pud. With the the cold fronts we're experiencing at the moment, this ball of polka dot fun is exactly what we need. The name is fitting with the lavender and ylang ylang transporting you to a zen bath house. This bath bomb is the perfect recipe for relaxation. 

See the rest of the collection on the LUSH website or in stores.

♥ M + K

Disclaimer: This post is NOT  a sponsored post and DOES NOT contain affiliate links. The products featured were kindly sent to us for consideration. As always, the opinions expressed in the post are honest ones


  1. OMG! I am in love with Lush products. My favorite soap from Lush is their Godmother soap.I cannot wait to check out the Christmas collection!

    1. Be quick because the range is limited! The last day you can pick up these goodies is the 22nd this month! We need to try that! We've heard a few people rave about it

      M + K

  2. Oh my god that's amazing! Their Luxury Lush Pad looks amazing! Can't believe you got such cool stuff! <3

    xx Bash | Bash Says Hey | bloglovin'

    1. It is gorgeous Bash! You have to try it out

      M + K

  3. Oh god I don't know how I feel about thinking about christmas in July! I think I prefer cocktails and beaches haha!


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