Nothing makes a home a home like a fresh vase of flowers.
These Oriental Lilies* are from Fresh Flowers, an online florist based in Sydney. The lilies are delivered farm fresh, so all the buds were closed when we received them. Some people like a bouquet with flowers that are all open, but we always look for closed buds. Not only does it mean they are fresh, but this way, you can have the satisfaction of watching each flower open! There is nothing like waking up to a vase of florals in full bloom.
Being our first time using an online florist service, we were anxious about how the flowers would fair en route to our front door. We were relieved and surprised that the bouquet arrived the next day in perfect condition along with a vase and plant food!
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♥ M + K
I really love the idea of actually getting flowers delivered before they have bloomed so that you get the most out of them and so that you get to keep them for longer. Fresh Flowers sounds like a lovely company and these flowers are absolutely beautiful.
ReplyDeleteRae | Love from Berlin
These flowers are so cute and coulourful ! Awesome :) xoxo